TU Parents

The talented Hillel staff cherishes the chance to work with each student and seeks to offer a host of meaningful entry points into Jewish campus life.

Hillel of Towson University is here to provide your student with a solid and thriving Jewish community away from home. Towson University Hillel is at the center of a vibrant Jewish community for over 2000 university-age Jews in Towson and the metro Baltimore area. We offer students the opportunity to develop their own Jewish community with initiatives that are personally meaningful and life transforming. Through Hillel, your son or daughter will benefit from a range of opportunities geared towards helping them continue their Jewish journey into adulthood.

To donate click here:

Join Parents Tiger Club

Help us continue to be the home away from home.

Dedication to Towson Hillel ensures that our students identify and have experiences on campus which are rich and meaningful with Jewish culture, content and warmth. Our students are the next generation of Jewish leaders wherever they may live. Help strengthen their Jewish pride and connection now! Your meaningful contribution plays a vital role in providing a transformative Jewish experience for all of our students at Towson University’s Hillel!

First Year Students of Hillel

Your $360 donation will sponsor programs for First Year Students of Hillel (FYSH) throughout the year, sustaining their involvement and interest in Jewish life on campus during their freshman year or first year at Towson University Hillel.

Proud Parents

Your $540 donation supports a single student participating in THIC (Towson Hillel Incubator Cohort). Students learn about networking, receive leadership skills and engage new Jewish students on campus through this competitive internship.

Shabbat Facilitator

Your $720 donation enables 5 students to facilitate Shabbat in their apartments/dorms and covers the cost of these students to participate in Shabbat experiences at Hillel monthly.

Shabbat Together

Your $1800 donation will sponsor a Shabbat dinner for fifty Towson Hillel students to participate in an enriching, meaningful and delicious Shabbat dinner!

Jewish Enrichers

Your $5000 donation will partially sponsor our Jewish educator brought on board to enrich and deepen Jewish experiences and education on campus.

All Tiger Parents that donate will receive:
  1. A personal thank you card from our students
  2. Quarterly updates
  3. Special invitations to parent and family weekend events
  4. A copy of our annual report.
All Tiger Parents that donate $360.00 or more will receive in addition (to the above):
  1. Personal invitations to leadership briefings
  2. Tiger swag 
Towson University Hillel presents...

Matzah Ball Soup Express Delivery

Helping the sick is one of the most important Jewish values!

We know that for many of our students it is their first time away from home and not having your parents to care for you when you need them most can be scary. We also know that this grief is felt by parents as well. Believing that Hillel should be and is a home away from home, we’ve begun sending out care packages for sick students. Whether you’re the sick student, it’s your roommate, your child, a friend, family member, or someone else we’ll deliver it to you as soon as possible free of charge.  Just submit the form below.

Care-package includes:

matzah ball soup, tissues, hand sanitizer, health information and tips from Towson University Health and Wellness, and of course a personalized get well card.

How to Plan for Your Financial Future as a New Parent

SARA BAILEY  |  JAN 24, 2020

Having a child changes your life in several ways, especially when it comes to planning for the future. Part of adjusting to life as a new parent involves getting your finances in order. While financial planning may not be on your list of immediate priorities after the birth of your child, having money conversations with your spouse and starting up a realistic financial plan is essential for minimizing stress and ensuring your family is set up for success. Here are some smart financial moves every new parent should make.

How to Start Planning Your Life Finances in Your Teens​


Financial planning is something that very few young people are actually taught, which means that most of us had to figure it out for ourselves at some point in our 20s. The truth is that it can be hard to think about big life expenses while you’re still a teen, especially if you are going to college or working part-time before starting your career. However, the sooner you become familiar with the costs that will crop up throughout your life, the more prepared you will be to manage your money once you start making a regular income.

Goodbye, Back-to-School Blues


As parents, we want our children to thrive during the fragile back-to-school season. Unfortunately, there are a multitude of reasons this might not happen. From fears of their new responsibility and social anxiety to personal problems at home and having the wrong homework setup, your child faces issues each day that you may not consider. If you find yourself with a child unable to cope with the end of summer, keep reading for ways to help them keep their cool.

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